Reed Tonearms

Reed is a Lithuanian specialist tonearm manufacturer lead by its designer Vidumantas Triukas Reeed,Vidumantis has pushed the boundries in many ways, with his clear dedicated vision to extract as much as possible from the grooves of vinyl.

The company was established in 2007 and have never been shy to be inovative, designs such as the flagship 5T and 5A are considered by many as the most musical available. The Reed portfolio consists of 5 models and can be custom built allowing the customer the choice of various wooden armwands to suit cartridge preferances allowing the customer to purchase an individual tonearm. Having heard all options available we can assist you to choose the suitable tonearm for your system.  

All reed are special but the 5A and 5T takes to another leval, The Reed 5A is a monumental achievement in high-performance audiophile tonearm design. Due to its tangential operation, it tracks accurately with a tracking error that is so low, it is for all intents and purposes inaudible. So why even consider making another tonearm model to sit above it?

Reed discovered that rather than rely on the ‘pulling force’ of a record to guide the position of a tangential tonearm, there was a better way of doing it which promised to result in an even better sound.

Reed designed and built a limited rotation sectional torque motor that controlled the tonearm’s position by using a laser and linear sensor array. This way, the angular rotation of the tonearm was guided by extremely accurate electronic technology. This was the first time such a system had ever been applied to an audio application and to this day, remains the most sophisticated tonearm system in the world. Welcome to the world of the Reed 5T.

The Reed 5T is the fifth offering in the Reed range and is their statement tonearm. Like the 5A, the 5T is a tangentially tracking pivoted tonearm based on the Double Birch/Thales geometry (if the center of a triangle’s circumcircle lies on the triangle then the triangle is right, and the center of its circumcircle lies on its hypotenuse) and the rule, that given three non-collinear points, it is possible to draw only one circle that has finite radius and passes through all three. Below is a diagram showing the Double Birch/Thales geometry. A tonearm that follows this geometry is optimised for minimal tracking error.